Today was pretty good. It was a late start, but I was able to make it out to OUCH's null security gate camp and get some gate camper fealing while inside my student frigate. I also blew up my first capsule out there. At the start, the instructors who were out there gave me the quick rundown to prepare. Such as tactical bookmarks around the area and what to do during what situations when a quick order is needed. After that, I flew over to our warp bubble that was set up and we hung around there talking and enjoying ourselves until the ocational ship would get caught.
At one point we had a Black Frog pilot fly into our bubble. They help out alot of people... so they are good guys in many people's eyes. Sadly, this perticular pilot was only flying in his pod. Must have lost his ship awhile back... or was traveling the super cheep route. So we held our fire and politly asked where he was flying to. I forget the system he said, but it started with a "D". So we waved him goodby and turned off our warp and stasis distruptors. That is when he began to fly towards the gate which was about 110km away at a easy 300 speed... most refer that as "slowboating". A very easy target. Our fleet commander then recommended the pilot to fly at a certain celestial so he could quickly warp back and also avoid our bubble. So what did he do? He warped back right where he came from, and then back... right into our bubble. First chance was free, but second was a free trip to wherever he was cloned.
About an hour or so later, we began to recieve reports of activaty in the next system. A pirate gang had entered, and was being followed by a friendly corporation. They shot by our camp and warped off to the next gate. During the commotion one of the pirate ships, a Dramiel, began to accelarate towards us at attack speed. Our fleet commander quickly gave the order for us to warp at our tactical bookmarks and wait it all out, as we were outgunned by the Dramiel's friends if they decided to help out. One of our recon pilots stayed in the area cloaked to watch.
Now this is when things got interesting. Some time later the Dramiel pilot warped back... into our bubble. Then he dropped his own can in front of our bubble and hard burned off grid according to our scout. Curious, we watched and waited. A few minutes later he returned. With about 3 Hounds, a Manticor, and a Heretic. Then the Dramiel plopped himself in our bubble and the rest of the ships cloaked about 30km from him. They began to get a few kills. Unfortuently for us, we were loosing a good portion of our own pilots due to their sleep cycles coming up. In the end, it was 2 instructors and myself. So with nothing to loose, one of the instructors went back to his station and grabbed his own stealthbomber. While watching the ambushes, our scout had a fair idea where the pirates were.
Unfortuntly, when our instuctor returned, his systems were not completly configured. So when he told his vessel to cloak up, it fired a bomb. Oh well... that could have been thought of as our mighty sound of order. Eventually, he got aimed and he fired. He was too low from his potential targets. Next one after he reloaded was too high. That was when he decided to call it a night and return home. I continued to float peacefully out in my safespot and watched time go by as I started to listen to music I recently found on the Galnet. After 20 minutes, the pirates got bored with their lack of preys and left the system. That was when I called it a night and proceded to spend my time asleep in my pod out in space.
It was fun, and a different pace from that of the classes. I was able to rack up my kills to 5 vessels aside from my own fights against Neka. Now, during this I was talking to an old friend from another past. She called me a pirate because I was gatecamping. I would not think a pirate would have let that Black Frog pilot go and would have simply shot on sight just for the easy killmail. We were nice and gave him the opportunity to live. If anyone, it was the ones who decided to take advantage of our work and take over our own gatecamp.
I would rather think that our gatecamp is there to be a wakeup call for those who live in null security space... be them new or experianced pilots. We are there to catch them when they don't pay attention to their surroundings and what is on their directional scanner. The outcome is them loosing their ship, as if they don't pay attention, they must not be that responsible of a captain. The death of their crew is on their lack of attention or experiance. It is to help us be aware of other pilots too and pay attention to our own scanners. It's all traning that in the end, made us feal good about what we learned. Hopefully those caught wont make the same mistakes.
Kentt Em'asep
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