Saturday, December 28, 2013

Changing the Flow

A camera feed activates, showing Kentt in a foldup chair in what looks to be that of a frigates's living quarters. There are a few Minmatar tapestries hanging from the walls, with some incense on wall mounts. Kentt gives a smile before speaking.

"Well now, alot has changed. After leaving OUCH, I resumed work with the Clone Red Creations for about a month. But we had needed more. Us CCXX pilots required a better use then playing with test ships. That was when we met up with an alliance under the name Matari Raiders. I may have mentioned them in previous logs. They wanted to destroy the alliances who attack our brothers and sisters. The ideas were big, but us pilots under the Raider's alliance were few. So nothing much more happened, and the alliance disbanded.

A few more months passed, and my corp of Clone Red made a few more ship ideas. Then I took notice of a thread in the Intergalactic Summit. Called "The Rusted Horde Rises", it was by a pilot called Odenfar. He had plans for building a whole new empire over in the New Huvilma region. He wanted to kick a alliance called "The New Order" out of the systems there who liked to prey on miners and then double back with trying to sell them mining permits. I have never been big on mining rocks... but with Neka working on her Rorqual, maybe it is time for something new."

Kentt leans forward with his elbows on the desk before him before continuing.

"In the end... Pappy and Neka liked the idea. We then made the move, taking all of our engineers and gear, and ships with us to the Rusted Horde's home system. Clone Red Creations then became a part of the main corporation. Our engineers and thinkers are still a part of our origional team, but they help out with the rest of the Rusted Horde's alliance. Gives them pointers. I am surprised some never knew it to be possible to fit a 10mm afterburner in a frigate. I lirterally opened up the world to a few of them. Torn it open.

I had later showed Odenfar some of the ship designs. He loves them. He wants to someday have a fleet where their roles can be brought out in their fullest. I too, wish to see that. Anyways, this alliance has been a good change. There are a good number of pilots with the same goals, and we have been carefull on not making our list of foes long. We shale see how this goes... maybe we can tear down a good portion of that New Order that we've been seeing. End log."

The screen then goes black.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Still Kicking

Kentt here,

Dang... it's been awhile since I updated this.  But I guess that is also because not alot of activaty has occured.  Yes, I went back on my own after I left ungraduated from OUCH, but I learned alot from them.  I guess it will help in a way.  I won't have the medal, so no one out there who see me will have alot of expectations until they actually do some research.

I have been working more on my Claw, so now it is better.  Has the 10AB hooked to it, and some long range guns.  It kinda matches Neka's, but her setup is surprisenly just as good dispite the fact she is just using a Slasher. 

I also worked some more on the Godless and Grand.  I have been lucky to have been called her captain since I first bought her about a year ago.  Not like she's been alot of fights, but it is always a good fealing when you actually have to think how long you owned something without loosing it.

About 2 weeks ago, Neka, Pappeto, and I had all ventured to where the Caldari Prime incident had occured to simply explore and help if needed.  It had looked to be all under control.  Most vessels there were doing cargo runs, not anything our ships were capible of acheiving.

Speaking of the others, Pappeto has been doing better in his Drake.  His ship does not have anything too fancy, but it can hit hard.  The ship is just old tub though.  Nothing really new in it.  Neka has been doing fine on her own as well.  I think she has been looking into alot of that instawarp drive thing you can fit onto battleships and such.  Would be interesting to see it in battle if the option to use it turned up.

Other then that.... it's been quiet on my end.

Safe Travels


Saturday, March 16, 2013


This is Kentt...

Well... that's dissapointing.  Now, I have a life outside the pod.  That is good.  But it also takes priority at times that would pull me from flying and being a "productive pilot".  I connect to my pod's monitering systems via a external connection.  Guess what?  I am now a proud member of Native Freshfood because the University is not willing to wait anymore.  I had the required kills for a graduation... but the instructors wanted to see more due to my mistake in the previous entries.  I can understand.

I guess I can stand in their shoes and see what they see.  The student Kentt appears and dissapears at random times just to update his training.  It's all I can really do when I am pressed on things outside of the pod.  Not like I can have my life fully revolve around it.  Oh well, I have played the student long enough.  It is time to move on and return to enjoying the flying in ships I love then to wait around for the University to gather their instructors for a bubble camp.

It has been great learning under you Bren, along with the other instructors I have learned under.  Your survival course was a blast to preform in a Burst class frigate, and your survival course I would highly recommend for others.  But only if they can move around their life outside their pod to fit with your schedule.  I know you instuctors have to do the same so you can effectivly teach your classes and I applaud that.

It is now time for me to return to Clone Red at my earliest conveinence.  Neka is waiting for me, along with Pappeto.  It is time for me to pass on what I learned to help our little corporation grow a tad more.  I have the ability to survive Null security space, and that it enough to get things rolling.  On top of that, I can now fly the Wolf, and also beable to apply what I learned for my Claw frigates.

Matari Raiders is about as dead as a fish out of water for day can be.  But I will continue to keep connections with what pilots are out there who are still a part of the push.  That will allow my pilots to stay motivated for when they look at the VR rooms for the Matari Raiders that are empty, they will know that it is their duty to stand the watch.  To fly the flag of freedom.  Eventually I hope to connect with others who may be doing the same.  When that time comes, will we stand down from out watch for the Matari Raiders. 

But during then, let us shake up a few nests to keep things lively.

Kentt Emasep out

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Updates, updates

Well, this is Kentt again.  A bit has happened the past few days.  Some I am happy about and others I am not too fond of.

First, the bad news.  About... two or three weeks ago I was booted from the University for solo pvp.  I'll be honest, that day it occured I was itching to graduate.  So I decided to stalk a gate using my tactical bookmarks in my student fit Rifter.  I failed to remember that solo pvp was not allowed and when I stated an encounter I had in the corporation comms channel, I was booted.  Things were fixed later and I rejoined after appologising.  Sometimes, it is really hard to wait and only fight in the bubble gate camps that they train their pvp at.  It is hard to be away from the other frigates and ships I normally fly.  The good thing is two days ago I hit the graduateable limit of 10 kills.  But... I think I wish to get a few more marks on my killboard to lessen the red I have.

Second, the VR room called the Standing Place that I usually frequent has been rebuilt into a comms channel.  ...I'll miss the Vherokior style room I always relaxed in.  The firepit in the middle, the hanging charms, and the view of the snow outside whenever the door was left open by those who really lived there.  Now it is just a comm channel where us Matar can bond and learn about ourselves.  But of course... I have no ownership of the room and it was all on the owner's decision. 

Some good news.  Neka has gotten her certificate to fly the big ships.  Like the Rorqual I think.  It's a pretty big step.  We'll see how things go from there.  I also heard our other pilot Pappeto, has stepped up on his daily flying.  He had helped a Caldari Navy pilot in the search for one of his pilots.  That was nice of him.  I guess he had also called on Neka for a ship with a probe launcher.

Other then that, it has been well.  I am hoping to graduate this next weekend.  Possible after another day of camping out on the bubble.  Then they should be happy to let me go on my merry way.

Kentt Em'asep

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Swimming with my Orca

So yesterday went well. I met an old friend who I used to know over in the universe of Star Wars Galaxies and she was playing the trial version.  I decided to help out and fly 3 PLEXs over in my Orca to assist.  Now I am over in Amarrland and enjoying redoing the tutorial missions there to get freebees and some isk on the side.  I also have almost perfected Neka's slasher, as it can oneshot snipe frigates.  Havn't attacked any pod pilot vessels yet with it, but unless they are snipers as well I think it would do well.

So out of boredom, I made a artillary projectile fitted Executioner.  Kind of funny seeing the 3 guns on there.  But for now it is a cheep way to do some of the missions and not worry about loosing things.  Not like that is really needed for the noob missions.  But sometimes it is good to get out of your normal ship and fly something way underpowered, then see if you can do the missions and survive.  It keeps me more attentive to things that way.

The cool thing I noticed it that even if I am doing the noob missions with the annoying tutorial help menu activating, the missions take me in cool out-of-the-way deadspace locations.  So that is a good way to make safespots.  Not like I really need them in that system, but if I ever get cornered and the system is nearby, going there would always become an option to hide it out.

Neka Petsamet

Monday, January 28, 2013

Little Bubble Warriors

Today was pretty good.  It was a late start, but I was able to make it out to OUCH's null security gate camp and get some gate camper fealing while inside my student frigate. I also blew up my first capsule out there. At the start, the instructors who were out there gave me the quick rundown to prepare. Such as tactical bookmarks around the area and what to do during what situations when a quick order is needed. After that, I flew over to our warp bubble that was set up and we hung around there talking and enjoying ourselves until the ocational ship would get caught.

At one point we had a Black Frog pilot fly into our bubble. They help out alot of people... so they are good guys in many people's eyes. Sadly, this perticular pilot was only flying in his pod. Must have lost his ship awhile back... or was traveling the super cheep route. So we held our fire and politly asked where he was flying to. I forget the system he said, but it started with a "D". So we waved him goodby and turned off our warp and stasis distruptors. That is when he began to fly towards the gate which was about 110km away at a easy 300 speed... most refer that as "slowboating". A very easy target. Our fleet commander then recommended the pilot to fly at a certain celestial so he could quickly warp back and also avoid our bubble. So what did he do? He warped back right where he came from, and then back... right into our bubble. First chance was free, but second was a free trip to wherever he was cloned.

About an hour or so later, we began to recieve reports of activaty in the next system. A pirate gang had entered, and was being followed by a friendly corporation. They shot by our camp and warped off to the next gate. During the commotion one of the pirate ships, a Dramiel, began to accelarate towards us at attack speed. Our fleet commander quickly gave the order for us to warp at our tactical bookmarks and wait it all out, as we were outgunned by the Dramiel's friends if they decided to help out. One of our recon pilots stayed in the area cloaked to watch.

Now this is when things got interesting. Some time later the Dramiel pilot warped back... into our bubble. Then he dropped his own can in front of our bubble and hard burned off grid according to our scout. Curious, we watched and waited. A few minutes later he returned. With about 3 Hounds, a Manticor, and a Heretic. Then the Dramiel plopped himself in our bubble and the rest of the ships cloaked about 30km from him. They began to get a few kills. Unfortuently for us, we were loosing a good portion of our own pilots due to their sleep cycles coming up. In the end, it was 2 instructors and myself. So with nothing to loose, one of the instructors went back to his station and grabbed his own stealthbomber. While watching the ambushes, our scout had a fair idea where the pirates were.

Unfortuntly, when our instuctor returned, his systems were not completly configured. So when he told his vessel to cloak up, it fired a bomb. Oh well... that could have been thought of as our mighty sound of order. Eventually, he got aimed and he fired. He was too low from his potential targets. Next one after he reloaded was too high. That was when he decided to call it a night and return home. I continued to float peacefully out in my safespot and watched time go by as I started to listen to music I recently found on the Galnet. After 20 minutes, the pirates got bored with their lack of preys and left the system. That was when I called it a night and proceded to spend my time asleep in my pod out in space.

It was fun, and a different pace from that of the classes. I was able to rack up my kills to 5 vessels aside from my own fights against Neka. Now, during this I was talking to an old friend from another past. She called me a pirate because I was gatecamping. I would not think a pirate would have let that Black Frog pilot go and would have simply shot on sight just for the easy killmail. We were nice and gave him the opportunity to live. If anyone, it was the ones who decided to take advantage of our work and take over our own gatecamp.

I would rather think that our gatecamp is there to be a wakeup call for those who live in null security space... be them new or experianced pilots. We are there to catch them when they don't pay attention to their surroundings and what is on their directional scanner. The outcome is them loosing their ship, as if they don't pay attention, they must not be that responsible of a captain. The death of their crew is on their lack of attention or experiance. It is to help us be aware of other pilots too and pay attention to our own scanners. It's all traning that in the end, made us feal good about what we learned. Hopefully those caught wont make the same mistakes.

Kentt Em'asep

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Close to Graduation

Yes!  Well, all my waiting has paid off.  I had just recently completed the last classes required for the graduation from OUCH.  The only thing left I want to do before I leave is to spend some time out at their gatecamp and get better at tackling and attacking while being a part of a fleet.  So I'll maybe be out there for a good week or two. 

After that, I plan to submit for graduation, return to CCXX, and venture back out into space without the ship restrictions that the university presses on the students.  But through that, it also got me to be more conservitive with my fitting.  Yes, I may have that single interceptor or teir 1 frigate that I put lots of money in and try to overpower... but I think most of my fits will be much like their starter frigs where they are almost bare minimum and cost as much as a large gun or something.

With me planning to return to my old corporation, I am also hoping that my future plans of joining Alexia Morgan's alliance called Matari Raiders Alliance will still happen.  The main reason of learning the ways of OUCH was for that origionally.  The only issue right now is the lack of interest/active particapation Alexia is recieving... which has caused the alliance to turn to a standstill.  If anything occurs, minds must gather and discuss "Ok, we have X number of pilots... what should be our first target that we should focus on."  And then things should go from there.

If the alliance does not occur, then maybe UK might be willing to take on this Matari pilot and his alt.  I have flown as a solo pilot for a long time, and have been itching for some fleet battles.  It might benifit me more if I merge with an exsisting corporation within it then to just have my whole alt corp to join.  That way I may be able to do more.  It would just make the transfer of items harder, as that was the main reason I built up CCXX. 

If anything, I might turn to learning about clone jumping after all this to make my traveling easier between null sec and high sec.  Another was possibly to get started on the marketing training books so I can get to selling things that are far away without having to fly there to sell them manually.

Kentt Em'asep

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Aside from my last post, not alot has been happening.  Kentt has been eagerly awaiting his next class and I had Neka take her Orca with mining and attack ships to go and make some money doing missions in high sec.  Since the 10ab Slasher was good enough my last encounter, I had fitted it with tech 2 artillary guns.  So now it can actually hit something.  I'll just have to test later what the best range is for the guns.

I also went and bought 4 Wolfs for Kentt.  With the downtime, I have been having him try out different fits for them and just playing around with what can fit in them.  The downside is OUCH's rules on what students can fly.  So they have not seen space yet, just the inside of a hanger.  The Wolf holds alot of guns, but it seems I never have enough room for the ideas I want to try like I did with Neka's Slasher.  I think I might eventually have her go for a Claw like Kentt did.  Those are fun.

Aside from that, nothing much has been happening.  So I'll just entertain you with a old picture of my first ship with the older guns.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Talking to Myself

Over the time between classes, I have been getting ideas here and there. Some might help, others are something that may be worth testing. Let me connect the VR feed I had with Neka about it.

  Session started: 2013.01.02 02:22:51

[ 2013.01.02 02:22:51 ] EVE System > Channel MOTD: Entering the Virtual space, the user finds themself in a largish hexagonal room roughly 15 meters across with angled vaulted ceilings angling up to the centre of the roof. Broad exposed timbers engraved with vherokior scripts support the ceiling, and a hole in the centre lets smoke escape into the darkness.

The floor is dark rich hardwoods, layed in as to spiral out from the centre of the space, where a large metal bowl is inset into the floor. In the bowl, A fire burns, sending long flickering shadows throughout the room and smoke curling up through the hole in the roof and out into the cold night air. The walls are rough, hewn stone, with large thick windows set into each face of the hexagon. outside the walls, snow falls softly on a moutainous landscape, with dark, partly cloudy, partly starry skies overhead.

Thick soft rugs cover portions of the floor, along with blankets to curl up under and cushions tossed haphazardly around to sit on. In each window hangs a collection of dreamcatchers, windchimes, glass shards, spirit beads, hanging totems, and other matari religious materials, twinkling in the firelight. Incense, candles, carved stones and figures, and small totems line the bottm of the windowsills. A small low table in one corner provides a supply of hot drinks. This place feels deep, old and spiritual, it feels safe.

[ 2013.01.02 02:32:30 ] Kentt Em'asep's holo appears as he connects to the VR rooms system.  His appearance is as he usually is, wearing his grey wool cloak and sitting near the fire.  There is some light music coming though his sound feed of drums and other instruments.

[ 2013.01.02 02:34:31 ] Kentt Em'asep glances about at the now familiar room.  How long has he idly sat here in the past?  The origional owners were long gone, most likely moved on with their lives.  But the building that the VR lay was still there.  Kentt never visited the place in person.  Someday he might, but with his training he was unable to.  The cold he did not feal.  But through the VR rooms output he could hear the sound of the slight wind outside.  In the cracks some snow blew, but he could not feal anything.

[ 2013.01.02 02:39:15 ] Neka Petsamet connects to the VR room around the time she was planning to.  She appears standing and wearing the clothing she normally is in, the black pants with the matching top and a light blue jacket.  She smiles at the lone Matari sitting at the fire.

[ 2013.01.02 02:40:48 ] Kentt Em'asep smiles up at her, noticing the light of the firepit causing her holo to shimmer slightly as if she was a goddess. "Greetings there Neka".

[ 2013.01.02 02:43:07 ] Neka Petsamet looks about the VR room as she takes it all in once again and at last looks to Kentt grinning. "Hey there leader" She takes a seat upon some cushions, crossing her legs and looks at the fire smiling.

[ 2013.01.02 02:43:32 ] Kentt Em'asep just watches her as he takes in the feeling of being at peace.

[ 2013.01.02 02:45:10 ] Neka Petsamet finally looks up at Kentt just staring at her. "So... how is Ouch? I don't think I have heard from you since we talked by mail a week ago".

[ 2013.01.02 02:46:16 ] Kentt Em'asep "It's been good.  You should join them sometime.  I learned of a few ideas here and there".  Kentt smiles at that.

[ 2013.01.02 02:47:21 ] Neka Petsamet "Mmmm maybe sometime.  I don't know, I have been getting pretty far in my Slashers".

[ 2013.01.02 02:48:41 ] Kentt Em'asep nods "I have heard you mention that.  Where did you fly to? I remember you telling me you flew on a delivery to F... something system. I completly forget the name" Kentt chuckles.

[ 2013.01.02 02:52:03 ] Neka Petsamet smiles as he chuckled "It's called Futzchag. But no! I went other places as well before that!"

[ 2013.01.02 02:52:31 ] Kentt Em'asep tilts his head as he listened curiously

[ 2013.01.02 02:55:10 ] Neka Petsamet "I went down through Curse all the way down to Paragon Soul. I then lost my ship there... but my pod was able to make it through Period Basis all the way up to Aridia! That was.... very fun."

[ 2013.01.02 02:56:34 ] Kentt Em'asep raises his eyebrows as he listens. "Wow... so you lost your ship..." looks off to nowhere as he refers to a map on his end of the feed. "That was about halfway?"

[ 2013.01.02 02:57:51 ] Neka Petsamet nods "Yes. And the Slasher was also fitted about the same as what your school uses for their student fits. So it was not anything special or with crew."

[ 2013.01.02 02:59:04 ] Kentt Em'asep "Ahh... well good to know. I thought you were going to be doing the 50 ship death training though. What got you to just travel?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:00:52 ] Neka Petsamet "Mhm, I was going to do that. I choose a random spot in the start. This one being almost the farthest south of the map I can go. I got there... then I just wanted to go farther and see how far I could go before I got stopped". Neka shugs as she wraps her arms around her legs.

[ 2013.01.02 03:02:31 ] Neka Petsamet eys light up as she remembers another adventure "Oooo! I also went all the way north too! Up to Tenal!"

[ 2013.01.02 03:03:12 ] Kentt Em'asep "Really? How was that?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:04:43 ] Neka Petsamet "It... well I died for the first time. ...But I got there just fine! I was heading back home when my Slasher got blown up. I tried heading home but later got caught in a gate camp two systems later".

[ 2013.01.02 03:06:04 ] Neka Petsamet "During then, I was also talking to that other man I mentioned to you. He was kind enough to try to put effort into flying up a shuttle for me until I ran into that camp".

[ 2013.01.02 03:06:57 ] Kentt Em'asep "Hm? Really now? Did he say how far he went?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:08:50 ] Neka Petsamet tries to think "...I am trying to remember. But no. I don't think he made it far. Like I said before, he is a fairly new pilot. I forget about the details of my conversation with him about his trip". Starts to feal bad about forgetting.

[ 2013.01.02 03:09:54 ] Kentt Em'asep "No worries. It is the thought that counts. Have you heard from him since you last messaged him? I reall you saying he was whilling to fight aganst slavery".

[ 2013.01.02 03:11:32 ] Neka Petsamet "I haven't. I think he might be taking a rest from flying. But I have a good fealing he will contact me afterwards. I still need to talk to him about the details just so he knows what he is getting into. I don't want him to regret any decision he makes"

[ 2013.01.02 03:13:03 ] Kentt Em'asep nods "Well, I could always help out when that day comes. You've done good as a CEO for CCXX so far. I also went and talked to my friends from ($^*@". Kentt brightens.

[ 2013.01.02 03:13:53 ] Neka Petsamet gains interest. "Those pacifists? I recall you flying under ($^*@..."

[ 2013.01.02 03:15:00 ] Kentt Em'asep "Well, it wasn't exactly ($^*@. I flew with #*v)$ that worked with ($^*@. But they are both about the same. I first have to ask... how's your Orca?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:16:35 ] Neka Petsamet is taken off guard, "My... Orca? You mean the Terrible Trouble? It still flies if that is what you are asking. I am still getting it ready for when we fly into nullsec".

[ 2013.01.02 03:17:29 ] Kentt Em'asep nods "Still find your ship naming odd.  Well... once you do get it good, and once we get the corporation into null, have you ever thought of flying anything bigger?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:17:48 ] Neka Petsamet "Not as much... why?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:19:18 ] Kentt Em'asep grins as her interest increases "Well, let's say you did just that. Fly something big. Now where do you think all those whom are affected by this future war is going to go?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:19:40 ] Neka Petsamet "War? The... one the alliance is going to start?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:19:46 ] Kentt Em'asep nods

[ 2013.01.02 03:20:15 ] Neka Petsamet "Won't they... stay on their planets?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:21:01 ] Kentt Em'asep frowns "Well, those will. But what of the ones, like the slaves of CVA in stations and their ships go?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:22:38 ] Neka Petsamet "Well... the alliance can take them in and send them to other groups specialized in that right?"

[ 2013.01.02 03:24:08 ] Kentt Em'asep "We can. But that requires those to step up for the task. If ($^*@ is up for it... maybe we can at least put effort into saving those who want to be saved then killing everything".

[ 2013.01.02 03:25:22 ] Neka Petsamet "But why did you ask about my... you want me to fly my Orca during battles?" Neka looks confused as she tries to guess what Kentt is thinking.

[ 2013.01.02 03:27:30 ] Kentt Em'asep "You... could. But you'll be a big target. No, I am thinking of a safer route. Maybe converting something into a moving station. Like ($^*@'s center system. We can have a cyno to it. Maybe also get it to cloak."

[ 2013.01.02 03:28:34 ] Kentt Em'asep "Then down the line, when you can fly a ship with a covert cloak you could offer assistance. Then bring who you help to the mobile station. Maybe later transport them to those more suited to helping others farther over in low and high sec".

[ 2013.01.02 03:30:09 ] Neka Petsamet thinks it over. "Well... I could. It would be very difficult to pull off".

[ 2013.01.02 03:31:19 ] Kentt Em'asep "Don't worry. It is all just thoughts right now. Maybe I can get the chance to talk more with &(@!*) or $!*# or someone. For now, I am just brainstorming. Just like how good it will be if you flew a stealthbomber".

[ 2013.01.02 03:32:31 ] Neka Petsamet "A... stealthbomber? With bombs and stuff?" Is taken aback. "I can see myself in a Claw... but as a bomber pilot. I don't know".

[ 2013.01.02 03:32:53 ] Kentt Em'asep "Well, it will make us using cynos easier".

[ 2013.01.02 03:33:40 ] Neka Petsamet "Mmm... true. I am actually learning of those right now. I am at about level 4 now I think".

[ 2013.01.02 03:34:14 ] Kentt Em'asep "That's good. Just wait until you have to wait though level 5 heh".

[ 2013.01.02 03:35:54 ] Neka Petsamet slowly nods, not liking how she will have to wait so long. A beep distracts her from the VR room. "Ahh... well my food is here. I also have to go and talk with some of the engineers here in the station. I can use Tech 2 guns now. So maybe I can get those fitted to some of my frigates and see how much of a change they can do". Neka smiles.

[ 2013.01.02 03:38:11 ] Kentt Em'asep nods as he smiles back. "Alright then. I have to hit the rack anyways soon. So I should be following soon as well. I would give you a hug... but it is hard when we go though each other as holos". Kentt then just gives Neka a half salute, grinning

[ 2013.01.02 03:40:01 ] Neka Petsamet laughs. "I look forward to when we can hug each other after you get out and return to us. Well, I have to go". Neka stands up, looking down at Kentt sitting and salutes back with a grin on her face before logging off from the VR room.

[ 2013.01.02 03:41:19 ] Kentt Em'asep watches her holo shut off and then gives the VR room another look around before reaching over and shutting off the VR room connector on his end of his feed.